We don't talk about them much in the circles I move in. Convictions. It's a bit of a "Christian" word. But it's a good one.
What are you convinced of?
Because it's what you're convinced of that will really define what you think and do... how you exercise faith, how you treat others, how you mentor those in your care.
One of mine is that I bagged the most amazing woman that has ever lived. But I know other guys who say that about their wives. It's subjective. No less true for me. But not objective.
Unlike my convictions around Jesus.
That's the gospel in a nutshell. Simple, but often not easy.
If pushed, I'd say it works like this: faith believes, hope pursues, and then love wins.
We often want fancier answers to the world's problems than that. But it doesn't get more simple and more complicated than that. I'm convinced that people who love others as Christ loved the world are the kind of people who do change the world. I'm convinced that unless a person has the Spirit of God in them, they can't really love like this. They can get close, but not 100%. Politicians don't love the people they are trying to help in that kind of way.
I'm convinced that until those of us who call ourselves followers of Jesus learn to both receive love, and then give it, nothing will really change. But love wins. We know the end of the story. We know who wins. The Lamb wins. The loving Lamb wins, and He wins through those of us who carry His cross as our cross, choosing to love.
That radically shapes how I mentor people in my care. I love them to their potential. I love them to life. I love them even when they do stupid things, ignore my wise and brilliant advice (which of course I have lots of...). That's what Jesus did. And does.
1 comment:
Good stuff Rich! Brings a really applicable and fresh view to relating to people. Often this kind of sentiment can come across a bit stuffy and even something of a chore but this way of looking at it makes it seem such a priviledge to love on people - 'cos it's winning!
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