It was awe inspiring to see the dramatic changes - unity amongst christians - and even churches a togetherness in purpose and heart - and faith increasing like never before.
The sense of God's presence as we worshipped and interceded was more tangible than ever and individuals were learning so fast lessons from being in such conditions. We got more of a glimpse of God's heart and what heaven is REALLY like and I believe it has released new expectancy for our city and seeing God's kingdom coming in a more real and powerful way this year. It has taught us how to pray and the level of community that is necessary for the church to function as it should.
The fact that in the end Catherine did not return is sad, but not disappointing to me. We shifted something spiritually that allowed her the option to return if she wanted but her death has achieved so much that we can now build upon. Thank God for her life, her death and her legacy for us all who mourn her going but trust in an all powerful God - including the incredible testimony of her amazing husband Ronan.
God is still a God who resurrects. He is still a God who heals. More than ever I worship him as the one who brings change and hope and help to a city and people that really needs that. As Job said in his turmoil in the Bible "Though he slay me, still I will hope in Him" - His ways are higher than ours - harder to understand but ultimately soveriegn. You can't just trust God in the easy times and retract that trust when it doesn't go the way you expected or wanted!
I actually felt the atmosphere change a week or so before Caths death. For the last few weeks I have been praying with a guy called Kris particularly about starting a nightclub ministry. It has been explosive to me praying with him and he is a very spiritual guy with a powerful testimony of getting saved in Ibiza and his stories of seeing Gods provison increasingly in his daily life has untapped a well of Holy Spirit fuelled faith and boldness in me. He is part of the pioneer network at St Tom's church which is basically a cluster all about releasing new mission so they have a great sense of community and expectancy. In a nutshell this community dynamic and our prayer times led to us be in a state of readiness when Cath died.
A week or so before, we had started praying whenever we met and generally with some dance music to bouy us along (and no matt redman words to distract!) we would shake and be impacted phsyically - I guess as our bodies couldn't really handle the presence of God and perhaps as a sign to us that he was shaking us up and changing our hearts. Kris's rent money supernaturally appeared in his bank account on two seperate occassions (the bank didn't know how it appeared in there) and he would witness to other DJs at work and see healing happen as he prayed for them. He experienced amazing divine appointments and words of knowledge (one day he felt God tell him to take a certain Christian book with him on the bus and then as he was on it felt he had the driver all to himself - no one got on the whole journey so he witnessed to him all the way to town. On his way home realized he'd left his gloves on the bus - the bus he caught home had the very same driver - so he continued to witness and gave him he book to read! And got his gloves back!) He prayed for his boss (of a bar) who had a shattered ankle - it was instantly healed! The guy is gobsmacked but has not chosen to become a christan...
Anyway amongst all this stuff my own expectancy grew - I went to watch the Footy in the pub and found I couldn't leave without witnessing to a bunch of young guys in there. Me and another friend called Chris Jeavons prayed in the car and then went back in and asked if we could pray for them. We had a laugh with them about it - two were cynical, the others were really touched and as we prayed and laid hands on one he was healed of a back injury from playing football!! It was amazing! He couldn't believe it. He was stretching and running up and down the pub and telling his friends "Seriously! It doesn't hurt anymore!!" He knew Chris a tiny bit and agreed to visit his church.
So then I decided to introduce this powerful form of worship and intercession into my Youthwork. There is a group of lads who now come regularly to our worship event who are totally un-churched but have had some experiences of the holy spirit and want more - and tell all their mates about it! One night we chatted about the Holy Spirit and then prayed with Ibiza Global Radio on in the background - one non-Christian lad totally shook with the intensity of it and another lad just fell over on the sofa!
At our weekly worship event "The Goldmine" we now allow time for them to chill and pray to dance music as an alternative to the usual guitar led format. It seems it's easier to make up your own words and follow God's leading in this context...? One night we kicked off the meeting by telling them Jesus proved he could forgive sins by healing the sick "does anyone want to be prayed for?" 4 people came forward - One of our leaders who couldn't straighten her arm from the pain in her elbow and was instantly healed. Another girl with Capsulitis in her hand - she couldn't make a fist or even brush a finger over it for the pain. She was totally healed right there and her non Christian parents who have previously accused Christianity of being a cult) are now seriously considering Chistianity!! "This is nearly enough for me to believe" her mum said!
The young people are sensing the change in me and my boldness and belief and are responding in like! They are expecting more and looking for more and are stepping out more. They just booked a classroom from the headmaster to hold a prayer room for non-Christians to experience god!! Wow!
So I am apprehensive about getting back into it tomorow night after Caths death but we'll jump in with both feet and pray like mad!!!
You can't walk on water unless you get out the boat!!
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