How To Contribute

We welcome anyone who has something to say about Christian Mentoring to contribute to the discussion on this site... You do not need to be an expert, we want to encourage discussion and we recognise not everyone will have the same views!  It does not need to be 'an article' but even if you feel you cannot manage even a few paragraphs then do please comment on the posts others have submitted!

What's your experience of Mentoring?  Do you mentor in a certain situation - are you paid to do it - or is it more of a voluntary exercise?  Do you mentor young people?  How does that differ from mentoring adults?  What is the role of mentoring in the church - now - and in 20 years?  When does mentoring become coaching or just fellowship?  Can you mentor someone older than yourself?

Posts do not need to be long - and it's OK for them to be more questions than answers!  Please do not hesitate to contact us as contributing is very simple, you do not need a blogger account or anything else.  Just email!

To contribute please make contact with Joel at and we'll get you going!