"I am not a mechanism. " D H Lawrence.
Endless hours at a computer screen; meetings; phone calls; apple products...! So far in chapter 1 JE (affectionately from now on: John Eldridge!) is berating the popular cry of 'where are all the REAL men?!' with an answer:
"You asked them all to be women!"
LOL! I think to myself! But there is some truth...?! Generally the most a guy can aim for is to be known as a 'really nice guy' - that is about the extent of the model of Christian maturity isn't it?! Basically in most churches, men are bored and emasculated by endless 'Jesus please be my girlfriend' type songs.
Work makes us soft pen pushers; church makes us effeminate 'niceguys'
Where have all the REAL men gone?!
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